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Welcome to the official Monkey Monk Mastermind game page. Prepare yourself for an exhilarating experience of strategy and cognitive hierarchy. In this game, players will encounter the captivating interplay between the dominant Monkey Mind and the wise Monk Mind, as they strive to ascend in consciousness toward operating from the highest mind's perspective, called the Master Mind... If Poker, Spades & Uno had a Polyamorous baby, it still wouldn't be as FUN as monkey monk MasterMind. Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey towards enlightenment and enjoy the unparalleled excitement that Monkey Monk Mastermind unlocks. You, your friends, your family, and your team will evolve with each hand. pre order your deck now along with exclusive apparel and be the first amongst your circle to represent this mastermind movement.

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VIDEO CAPTIONS: (Intro & context)

Welcome to “Monkey-Monk-MasterMind”, the captivating card game where players challenge each other to ascend. This game is a beloved choice among entrepreneurs, founders, and thought leaders. It is often exchanged as a gift to express gratitude for their relentless dedication, hard work, and remarkable service to humanity.

Historically, the question of the mind's placement within our biological framework has fascinated many. Although the brain is universally accepted as the organ hosting the mind There is a growing awareness that consciousness extends beyond the boundaries of the cerebral domain alone. Within the human body exists a complex and visceral network of meridians that transport subtle yet conscious energy to animate our avatars. This interconnected network extends from the endocrine and parasympathetic nervous systems as well as the muscular and skeletal structures, and beyond.

Common expressions such as I should have gone with my first mind, or "the brain and the heart want different things" or even "don't let the little head think for the big head" highlight the notion that while your brain may process ideas, the thoughts of your mind can sometimes originate from elsewhere, indicating that the Autonomous mind just may have a mind of its own. for example, individuals may sometimes make important decisions from their heads and at other times, their gut is solely responsible for their choices. Their gut may sometimes call for sustenance, but primal urges may steer them towards socializing. Primal urges can even crave attention, but limited energy or breath may prevent engagement. Sometimes, your heart yearns for love, yet your brain advocates for a detached stance. At times, decisions are solely driven by the heart alone for example.

Regarding the cognitive hierarchy within contemporary society, the impulsive 'Monkey Mind' often takes precedence over the wisdom of the more enlightened 'Monk Mind', a phenomenon primarily ingrained in habitual conditioning nurtured by the surrounding environments. On the path of enlightenment, you can elevate your consciousness, achieving optimal efficiency and a peak cognitive state. The heights of this consciousness state, can be characterized by amplified gamma wave activity, enabling individuals to enter an experiential awareness essentially developing the potential to travel without moving. ultimately Through mindfulness and consistent practice, you can cultivate your mind's ability to make superior decisions.


In this game of strategy, organ cards symbolize the multidimensional minds expressions and follow a hierarchical order, with the brain card assigned the highest value. The hierarchy descends down to the reproductive cards which, within the context of this game, hold the lowest value. The game features higher and lower mind cards. The 'Monk Mind' represents the higher mind, all marked by upward-facing chevrons. On the contrary, the 'Monkey Mind' cards, symbolizing the lower mind, are marked by a downward-facing chevron. when playing a card, a player will say, monk brain or monkey brain. they may say monkey heart or monk lung, and so on with the monk or monkey root or gut cards as well.

in each round, the higher mind cards will always beat the lower mind cards as they have a greater value and your goal is to ascend. If two identical organs or minds are drawn, the round goes to the higher mind symbolized by the ascending chevron, In the case of two identical cards of equal value, a battle ensues and a redraw occurs the 2nd round winner claims both sets of cards or all the cards if there are multiple players. note: players can keep matching cards for multiple rounds in hopes of winning a larger hand and ascending faster but none of the specialty cards can be played beyond the second round. A beneficial rule in the game provides players the opportunity to propose a trade if they possess an excessive number of the same cards.. If another player agrees to it, you can present your card for exchange. This rule allows for a diversified hand, However, it's important to note that only two trades are permissible per game.

There is one caveat: However, within the realm of duality, establishing balance is essential for a healthy and progressive evolution. The 'duality' card, symbolized by a single scale, introduces a unique element of unpredictability. When drawn, it inverts the hierarchy succession enacting a polarization of the round thus rendering all of the lower mind cards more valuable, essentially disrupting the usual order of ascension. If a player possesses a duality card, they can use it to claim the current round. only one duality card can be played for polarization at the end of each round.

While most players typically use their duality cards for personal gain, when playing with multiple players, a player who has already lost a round might strategically employ a 'Devil's Advocate' tactic at a round's end. By strategically playing a duality card, they can boost a struggling player's position which will effectively block a stronger player's ascension, limiting their accumulation of more cards for victory. In the game, there are narrative cards that appear occasionally. A player can challenge their opponents by playing a card that presents a scenario. They place a mind card under that card, hidden from their opponents, which reveals their response to the scenario. Opponents must counter with a card from their hand, hoping to mind match the card associated with the scenario. If they match, they win the round; if not, the player holding the narrative card wins the round.

look out for a limited number of all black fully actualized ascended master cards as they supercede all cards in the deck. This along with the duality and narrative cards are specialty cards and can not be played after a second round. If one wants to battle for multiple rounds, they must be strategic. After each round, every player must draw from the central deck to maintain seven cards, as all players should always hold seven cards in hand. Multiple players can compete for ascension. when the central deck drawn from is empty the game is over. The player with the most cards is the winner and assumes the role of ascended master. you can then thoroughly shuffle the deck to reincarnate and play again. Feel free to engage in philosophical discourse during gameplay When pondering the delicate balance between the higher and lower minds.

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The only way to predict your future is to create it.

~Abraham lincoln

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